Welcome from the Principal

I am delighted to welcome you to Harvester Technical College.  We are a highly specialised Senior Secondary college, delivering programs that are relevant, focused and effective in providing Technology, and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses for young people in Years 10, 11 & 12.

Today’s Harvester supports a culture that values respect, responsibility, perseverance and community.  The College is proudly serving students from all over the North and North-West of Melbourne who want a secondary education with a difference. One that gears their learning to vocational pathways, particularly those in the trade areas of Building & Construction, Electrotechnology, Engineering and Plumbing.

The College operates a World Class facility for Senior Secondary Education and pre-apprenticeship Trade Training. Curriculum delivered as part of the VCE Vocational Major has a trade-based, real world focus where possible, maximising relevance to students, resulting in increased levels of engagement.

The centralised delivery of our programs allows students to complete their VET Certificate II course in one year rather than two, giving them the opportunity to complete 2 upon graduation.  Skills and knowledge gained at school are applied and further developed as part of our compulsory Structured Workplace Learning program whereby students gain ‘hands on’ experience within their chosen trade, experiencing true Industry immersion.

Our popular Tech Ten (Year 10) program includes Technology courses in the areas of Wood, Metal, Plastics and Electronics. This aims to provide students with knowledge and skills to support them in making an informed choice when selecting their pre-apprenticeship course for Year 11.

Our targeted programs, strong health and wellbeing support, and intensive career counselling aim to give our students the best possible chance of success when transitioning into the world of work, both as highly skilled and well-rounded individuals.

Acquisition of quality apprenticeships by Harvester students continues to rise each year.  We pride ourselves on our destination data which shows our graduates are experiencing high levels of success in their chosen pathways with retention rates above both state and federal averages.  The strong relationships established with our graduates and their families sees many returning to inform us of their continued success – a true testament to both them and the College.

If you are ready for an industry relevant, trade-based pathway whilst completing your secondary education, we invite you to explore our offerings.  Our comprehensive information evenings held throughout the year are a great place to start.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Trudy Whiteside